A guide on how to clean your glass ornaments

Glass ornaments are beautiful and delicate, but they can get dirty over time. If you want to preserve your glass ornaments for years to come, follow this guide to keeping them clean.

Prepare Your Cleaning Supplies

  • Use the right cleaning products: The safest way to clean your glass ornaments is with warm water and mild soap. Avoid using products with ammonia or bleach as they can damage the ornament’s finish.
  • Dry thoroughly: Since glass ornaments are made of glass, they will break if they’re not dried thoroughly after being washed. Make sure that every drop of moisture has been removed before putting your ornament away by hanging it upside down and allowing it to drip dry on a towel. If possible, place the ornament in a warm spot where there is good air circulation so that it can dry more quickly.
  • Use rubbing alcohol to clean off any oil or grease stains from the ornament’s surface. Make sure that you have cleaned all parts of the ornament before putting them back together in one piece again.
  • If there is dirt in a small space, such as around the bottom edge of an ornament, use a toothbrush dipped in mild soap and water to clean it out. Make sure that the toothbrush is completely dry before using it again so that there is no moisture left inside it that could damage your ornament when it dries out again.

Clean with Glass Cleaner

  • Glass ornaments have a clear surface that can be cleaned with water and a mild soap if necessary. Make sure you use non-abrasive cleaning agents so you don’t scratch the surface of the glass. Use a soft cloth or cotton balls dipped in warm water to clean off any dirt or dust on the surface of your ornament. Don’t use anything abrasive because it could scratch off the paint on your ornament.
  • If there is any residue inside your glass ornament, then you will need an ultrasonic cleaner with an ultrasonic probe included for cleaning bigger items like vases and bowls.
  • Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently wash off any dirt or grime that has accumulated on the ornament over time. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a soft towel before putting them away until next year!
  • If your ornament has been broken and repaired, then you will need to make sure it is completely dry before storing it away in its box again. This is because humidity can cause further damage if left unchecked for long periods of time!
  • You can also use rubbing alcohol to remove stains from the glass ornament. Just apply a small amount of alcohol on a soft cloth and wipe off any stains on the ornament. If there are still some stains left, repeat the process until they’re gone.
  • If you have many stained or dirty glass ornaments, soak them in a bowl of warm water mixed with 1 cup (250 ml) of baking soda for about 10 minutes before washing them off with warm water mixed with mild soap as described above.