15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees For Pride Month

snowman ornamment on the tree

Pride Month is in June of every year. This is a month that is all about equal rights for everyone, no matter their sexual orientation. And every year, there are tons of rainbow flags flying and other types of décor around to showcase Pride Month. And one of the newest things that people are doing is using their 15 foot artificial Christmas trees as a way to decorate for Pride Month. Yes, these may be Christmas trees, but whatever décor you put on these can really change this tree from something that is only seen during Christmas to something that you keep up year round.

So, how are people using 15 foot artificial Christmas trees for Pride Month? Here are a few ideas:

1. They are using these 15 foot artificial Christmas trees as giant rainbows. They are getting bulb ornaments in the colors of the rainbow and putting these throughout the tree. And some people are taking it a step further by making thick lines of rainbow colors by blocking the same color together.

2. Hanging Pride-friendly photos throughout these 15 foot artificial Christmas trees is one way that many businesses are showing they are behind this month.

3. Streaming garland of various rainbow colors throughout the tree and allowing everyone to write a little note of encouragement to those who may struggle with their sexuality.

4. Some businesses are using 15 foot artificial Christmas trees decorated in rainbow colors, while adding in fliers that people can take off the tree that has various nonprofits and organizations that are there to help those throughout the year, not just during Pride Month.

This can be a great idea for those who want to use their trees during the year, other than just at Christmas time.